Onward Men ( and women)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We trudged out of Durango and felt like we could have put down roots in silverton . It looked like our kind of town and there were kids rafting and tubing just looked like they were having fun. Probably should have done the fun thing because for the next few hours we would be having anything but fun.
The first part of the ride was beautiful and easy just slow and not many vehicles enjoying the mountain scenery.A little over an hour outside of Silverton Oh My... Beautiful but Ooo so steep and switchbacks galore where you are to go only 15 (fine with me) but people behind me thought I should be going down a mountain on switchbacks one after another at 40 mph. Ahh No. Not here not me . I follow posted speed limits. This is just a 2 lane road with no rails as I turn the corner I can reach out and shake my daughters hand in the back seat it is that tight of a curve. This went on for HOURRRRSSSS. UGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH it was so pretty but oh my . LONG and so many big campers and trucks bumper to bumper and there were just a lot of vehicles period.

This is as we are traveling through the very upper reaches of the mountains at one peak we were 13,343 feet up. We would then have to go down then lo and behold, another one to go up, and waddya know another to take us down only to repeat this bad dream fro hour upon hour with an older man in one seat ( he is scared of heights, and 2 teenagers who cant seem to stop arguing about ANYTHING! They argued about the color of a bush, the wayone breathed hard at the other, they were just rotten.

It was so very beautiful but Wow!We were very glad to be done weaving in and out of all of those campers, busses and cars, motorcycles etc.
I could breathe a little easier. I ran out of daylight bu there is a quaint little town down as we were jsut going out of the really mountainous area called OURAY How CUTE!. I totally could have stayed there. They call it little Switzerland

The Sign before you come in on the East side

Looking down their Mainstreet

Ouray is a historic district. There are no billboards in Ouray, Ridgway, or unincorporated Ouray County. National forest area begins south of town of Ouray.
They do have a hot springs and water park on the north end of town as you are passing through. I will have to go back sometime but I will be going from the north to the south the next time and it definitely wont be in the winter .

Well Folks, I need to get these all up here in the order that we did em' this was our July trip and I dont think I took the camera to the Aug trip but I do have some coming up from the kiddos and some things I have been working on here, so stay tuned. I am also coming close to my first GIVE-AWAY! SO excited!


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