Wouldnt you just love a Love-Sac

Monday, March 30, 2009

Win ONE!

A cutie Giveaway

I love this lunch tote and such cute fabrics.\
Win it here and remember only open until APRIL 2

Giveaway Last chance

Last chance to enter a great giveaway ends today 

Enter and you could be the winner

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Couldnt leave out Liv

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Couldnt leave hers out she is 10.. She won this talent show.

Talent Show and LONG day

Had a long day today . We have SNOW on the way UGHH. I hope it gets nice again my strawberries are just now coming up.

Chelsea Did her talent show at School. SHe is a senior this year and has not done a talent show since Middle school. I guess she  decided to try it since it is her last  year as a kid:-( 
We were very proud of her. Ignore the bad video . I was filming it on my camera and it chose random times to autofocus then right towards the end my 3 year old decided to run up and down the aisle to say he had to pee. 

Head on over

Monday, March 9, 2009

To Giveaway today.. 
Lots of great stuff.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It is SOO nice here.
I was able to go clean out all of the flower beds, rake the back yard and clean off the back patio.
I actually lost track of time and did not get everyone fed until almost 7:30..
I pruned back the raspberries and raked all of hte dried up stuff from the strawberries. Our strawberries wer out of control last year.
Hubster and SMurf 2 tilled the garden spot today as well.
I did manage to fence Babe out of the rear of the house. She has full run  of 19 1/4 acres and really needed her out of the back. We jsut recently as of last year got the backyard area to a place we could add to. We had so much construction and I am so glad it is done.
We had overhangs put on over all of the sidewalks, over all 3 patios and had new windows all the way around, new tongue and groove cedar sideing as well as a new metal roof put on. 
We have so much construction JUNK to get outof the WAY back yard still.
I ordered a construction dunpster last year and am still waiting for their phone call?,,
It is going to take us a month jsut to get rid of it all. It looks like a landfill LOL..
I swear I am going to get pictures back on here. It seems everytime I need a camera the batteries need charging?
Maybe ont much crafting and more yardwork
Tomorrow I am going to go fill all of the little holes the dog from he{{ dug and overseeding the lawn with hopes it will fill in some of the damage she did over the winter.
I swear thtat dog will eat anything.
Today when I was raking I found do much stuff! She chewed the entire handle off of a little hand rake, she ate all but the buckle of her new collar that was heavy nylon. She chewed up some hot wheels tracks and just really gnawed adn chewed nearly enything not tied down EXCEPT for the toys and stuff I bought for her to chew. She doesnt know what is going on now since she cant get to the other patio . She is really coming along though. We have mastered sit and down. She will immediately fall to the ground when I tell her that. We have down and no bite down but she has a much harder time not jumping on us or not tackling or tripping su from behind.
Now that it is getting nicer I hope to be able to work with her lots more. Maybe this year she will setlle down some and we can all be in the smae room with her. She is a HUGE overgrown puppy,.
More tomorrow, I am off to slumberland in hopes that I can wake up on time in the morning.


Friday, March 6, 2009

SOO busy and not much done . The story of my life.
Seems every day gives me just enought ime to do less than planned .
Fridays are always stressful and they shouldnt be.
Oldest Smurf is really having a struggle with her graduation requirements and we have only 3 months of school left.
She is really really working hard and is making some progress but has some classes that I stress about. She is really struggling with geometry and I cant understand why. She is very bright. Her teachers keep telling me she is trying to make it harder than it actually is.
Boy Smurf is getting his braces off this month and cannot wait. He is home with a sick stomach today but will be working on schoolwork from his bed when he gets up. He is laggin behind in school and needs to keep up , Not lack of smarts just lack of motivation.
#3 Smurf Has PJ day at school so she was easy to get ready for school today. We are moving into sports season so she cant wait. I have mixed feelings. She likes Soccer but doesnt so much love getting up early every Saturday . :-)
Baby Smurf Is at Grannys house. I had parent teacher conferences yesterday. He spends 2 nights a week at his grandparents house and I try to HURRY and get all those little things done that I cant do easily when he is here. Me and #3 Smurf try to play a board game or something like that while he is gone as it is not that easy with him here.. 
Since my last post we Spent a weekend in Nevada Not much excitement and came home with less than we went with.
I celebrated a birthday. Whoop de do.. LOL..Hubby got me a wireless pet fence for my Big old Dog. I am not sure that I trust it and she doesnt go outside the boundaries anyway.. #1 Smurf got em a purse and a pair of sunglasses that she will probably eventually snatch back from me. #2 bought me Some lotion , some more things fro my dogs,and a nice card , #3  got me more lotion ( am I that dry looking) Some scissors, my Very own notebook and an assortment of sharpie markers , The last 2 will probably slowly disappear, and Baby smurf got me a card about drinking beer ( I havent even tasted a beer or any other alcoholic drink in YEARS lol.) 
My parents got me a Very nice Pieced quilt that I needed with some shams , Some homemade Coconut macaroons.
More than I deserve,
This week , No before pictures , I redid a wheeled cart with a butcher block top I bought at the thrift. It was all natural wood unfinished so I sanded it all down and painted it all except for the top, That I oiled up good, Havent used it yet but provides a place to store a few things in the kitchen.
I also grubbied up a few wooden bowls. One was a smaller one but was painted red with some white dots. I sanded it all down and stained and antiqued it. The others just needed a coat of paint and some sanding. 
I am hoping to get to some sewing today or tomorrow while the baby is gone. I bought a Bernina 830 at the thrift store a while back and havent messed with it much. It is extremely heavy and I dont have a dedicated sewing spot . I have to drag it all out to the kitchen table when I want to sew. I make sure I have a block of time and lots to do when I finally get it all out.
I have a sewing machine addiction. LOL.. I had an older brother that is pretty plain jane that has served me well  but I started seeing sewing machines for 5 bucks and under at the thrift and I couldnt control myself. I now have1 bernina that is perfect, another bernina with no foot pedal but i can use the one from my other machine, 2 brother sewing machines,1 singer sewing machine and 1 ugly brown monstrous metal thing. I use the bernina exclusively. I think This spring the rest will go into yardsale as they are not easy to store.
My fave find at the thrift store this week is a big Sand and water table for the youngest. He is going to love it, I have looked at them new before but put it off. It has a side for sand, a side for water and a cover for both sides. There is a big claw that he can dig around with attached. He has a lot of sand toys I ahve gathered for when we would go to the lake.
It has been SO nice here lately. 60's and above. I have really been working on the yard. I have a bunch of raspberries I need to move and replant. I have them planted right by the back side walk and last year they grew over the sidewalk and would catch you each time you walked by.
. I hope to post more later after I actually try to get something done....
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