As we were tramping through Colorado, the blind leading the blind.. we came across this little town .....And we felt compelled to pull over.. do a U turn ( the road construction guys had no clue what we could possibly want to do... I mean how often is my dad with me?. NEVAHHHH. SO I jumped at the chance and here we are. a couple of rebels ignoring the rules of the road and taking a chance ( and I did find a pair of needle nose pliers right out my door.. ta dah I mean where else can we both stand under our names.. that we call each other. LOL

DOnt we look GREAT! My dad looks like he is ready for the insane asylum and we havent even driven in the mt. yet and I look like a person who was rode hard adn put up wet... . The Glamour life baybay.''The second one is even better instead of knowing where or when he jsut pointed whichever way he wanted, and I look as if I grew another person to the front and side of my left arm. Ha. Thats my Eaaassy ridin clothes, non binding and comfy but not cute AT ALL>
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