Today was a sad day:-( Our love-bug Laci Slipped out and was hit by a car. This is such an odd occurance I still cannot grasp it. We live in a VERY rural are and MAYBE have a total of about oh 10 cars in a 24 hour period pass our house.She was outside this morning and we have jsut put up a bigger yard fence in the back and she ahs figured out how to escape it. I am not sure hwere she wanted to go but it was obviously into the road. We live on 40 acres and dont have any really close neighbors and the road is a good 200 feet or more from our house.
What is even sadder was I was just onto the kids about feeding and watering them .I was mad that instead of giving her fresh water every time they walked past the water bowl outside that they just left the old warm water plus they would both say they fed when they didnt. It wasnt a probelm inside but she has been spending a lot of time outside lately because my son adopted an older Min Pin and she didnt much like her.
Anyway. I had jsut been getting onto them and had sent one of them out to make her come in and we couldnt find her.
Fast forwar like 2 hours and we found her run over on the road quite a ways from our house. My son picked her up and we wrapped her in her favorite blanket and buried her out in the pasture under an apple tree.
A little while later my 11 year old ( whom just got in trouble for their lack of responsibility when it came to the dogs) gave me a letter she wrote Laci
" Dear Laci,
I Love you so much I'm Sorry I couldnt Feed or water you sometimes . I am going to miss you so much. I hope you are better off with God. He will treat you better than I treated you. So, to pay it off I'm Not going to eat ofr a day or drink anything for a day and I am going to lay out in the Sun for a day. I'm so sorry . I love youSo Much Laci."
we had a talk and I told her it was as much my fault as it was hers and we can learn from this. She was very much a part of our family and getting a little older. Even though she has lived here for years and years and has never even shown an interest in going anywhere I guess she just decided to go adventuring. Our heart are a little emptier and we are much sadder. The others are keeping a closer eye on their babies and it just goes to show you just never know.
And sjut to clarify. Laci was never out of water or food, If she didnt have it outside she had it inside. I just liked them to be in easy access to clean fresh water at all times and the thought of warm water outside would set me off. She could always walk 10 steps to the house and find cold water and a full bowl of food. This was "her" dog and she will be greatly missed .She was a gentle would and would not hurt a fly. She thrived on attention and Loved every person alive.
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