i am so sick to death of school this year. My oldest graduates this year so we are up at 5 am for her, my son is up at 6, my 10 yo is up at 7 and then my 3 YO is up around 10:30 ( yes he like sto sleep in LOL)
So pretty much I am up at 3 and then have to coordinate and schedule everyone to be ready and gone at different times. My oldest drives since she works or has night school every evening my son started riding the bus to school ( we live about 25 min from each of their school)
I am tired of remembering when oldest works, has school, has to have certain things done, and fees, and lunch money and blah blah, then the same for the other 2. My 3rd born wont get her yearbook from school as I forgot to pay until it was too late and she is BUMMED!I pay for the other 2 when I registered them but since there are no fees in elementary school I just flat out forgot.:-(
I am ready to sleep til 8, be able to jump up and camp, go to the city to shop, go on our little mini vaccations I LOVE to take throughout the summer. I am jsut very very ready to just chill out, not think about schedules or anything. In fact most summers the 2 middle kids have either baseball, soccer,church camp, etc that I sign them up for , at their request of course, and my 10 year old usually goes to a summer program offered by the school.
This summer I have No one scheduled for ANYTHING! Nothing, The oldest will be working but other than that we have no pressing issues and I am so relieved, for now, :-)
Hopefully we can spend the summer goofing off, not worryin about time.
I think of that Song by ALabam that ahs the words " I'm In a hurry to get things done,I rush and rush until lifes no fun. All I really got to do Is live and die but I'm in a hurry and dont know why"
That is so so true.
Sometimes I find myself hurrying to get home from wherever, insert any word here. and then I try to slow myself down byt thining Why? And I cant answer it. I am in a hurry to get to the grocery store or school or my parents, when I get there I am in a hurry to get hom, then when I get home, I wonder why I was hurrying? uggh, I can always find something to do here but it really is nothing that is pressing that cannot wait 10 min, 30 min a day etc. I think I may have passed this on to my oldest and she is a mess. I think she has a serious anxiety disorder. She worries about everything and actually worries about worrying ?
How do you slow yourselves down?
These are my thrift-found canisters. Arent they cute, but, I have no way to use them as canisters . I use my giant cracker jars in the cupboard because I do not have the counter room right now since our kitchen is the VERY last thing on the list to do.
Don't know what to do with them but I still think they are pretty cute.
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