She she is already contemplating her next move as she also turns 18 in about 2 weeks . "sigh" How much can one mother handle.

She is intelligent, opinionated,beautiful, funny, and she loves her God.
We have our daily spats as I think we are both very hard-headed but I wouldnt have it any other way.
She makes me laugh and makes me cry . She can bring out the best and the worst in me.

I could not be more proud of her. She is very scared of being an adult and it is ok to stay my little girl for a while longer if she wants:-)
She has lived her life as a true original . She never took the route of peer pressure and has held fast to her beliefs of no sex before marriage, no drugs, alcohol, smoking , lying etc. We get an occasional white lie but otherwise she has been an honor to parent.

We have been through every hair color/style and every makeup color/style.Even through the torment she gets form other kids she still held fast to her morals and to this day has no skeletons in her closet. I hope that I ahve raised her well enough to now venture on into the world as an adult and a great member of society. I know that in order to be all she can be she has to leave here eventually but , I want to be selfish and keep her here while on the other hand I know she needs to go and follow her own dreams.

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