Oldest just celebrated her 18th within graduating and is a little bummed about getting older LOL. Go figure.
She had a wonderful birthday and got lots of great stuff. The last installment is a concert and a weekend with mom In SLC in 2 weeks .
Oldest son has been at his half brothers house in Colorado for 2 weeks, he was home for his sisters birthday and long enough to wreak a little havoc and left to go back today.
His brother has his own business and he has been working a little for him.
here be is pictured after he "caught" a fish.. a DEAD" fish ., He tried to trick us that he cause it, but it was a dead fish that he stuck his hook onto and said woohoo look.. Little Liar!
Youngest Daughter has pretty much just hung out with me and cant wait for us to take a few mini trips this summer. I am afraid with everyone gone she seems to be picking up a little of the "chore" slack.Here she is the night she woke up and thought it was time to get ready for school, She got dressed, got into the car, we rode to the school LOL. She was a good sport and we came home and went back to bed
Youngest has just been a little turkey.
He told me yesterday I was " a Precious, Precious girl" Where does he get this stuff from? This is a kid that gets excited over the strangest stuff.
The other day he was bugging and bugging me to do something and I was caught up in something else and I said" You are just going to have to wait a second" He excitedly said" I have always wanted to wait a second WOO HOO" Huh? I must admit he is the strangest boy.
My parents who are retired have him a few nights a week. We are the only close family nearby so they love having him and pretty much plan their week around him. When he comes home he is acting like to elderly people LOL.. Making me put tissues in his pocket, making sure we have jackets with hoods on if the wind is blowing, wearing gloves to pick a few weeds, he begs to water the garden, he uses tissues to pinch ucky bugs and so on ... I have had to tell mom to lay off of the "eww worms are yucky deal" His dad and brothers are very manly men and he would get a sure teasing here if he came hom saying eww ucky worms.. Not good..
He dislikes the same people on tv that grandma does, My mom cant stand that guy on the Kaboom commercial so now everytime it comes on HE immediately says "ooh I "hayut" that guy,.. ( he says hate that way hay-ut. Sound like he is from the south.Now where they used to get onto me about what I said I have to get onto him about what they say in front of him.I mean a kid that says " you bought vienna sausages? (baby weenies organic of course) I am SO EXCITED!"
Plus we have been doing a little of this
and this
And how could I forget a few of these>>>>

We JUST love them and dont want them to go but Hubby says I cant keep ALLLL of them? But WHY?
See ya next time!
Your kids are beautiful!! Congrats to your daughter graduating. I know that's tough on mom (been there, done that) ... it's not easy having to "let go" and let them fly on their own!! Tell your hubby that I think you should keep ALL those precious little dogs. They are ADORABLE!!
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