Sunday, March 8, 2009

It is SOO nice here.
I was able to go clean out all of the flower beds, rake the back yard and clean off the back patio.
I actually lost track of time and did not get everyone fed until almost 7:30..
I pruned back the raspberries and raked all of hte dried up stuff from the strawberries. Our strawberries wer out of control last year.
Hubster and SMurf 2 tilled the garden spot today as well.
I did manage to fence Babe out of the rear of the house. She has full run  of 19 1/4 acres and really needed her out of the back. We jsut recently as of last year got the backyard area to a place we could add to. We had so much construction and I am so glad it is done.
We had overhangs put on over all of the sidewalks, over all 3 patios and had new windows all the way around, new tongue and groove cedar sideing as well as a new metal roof put on. 
We have so much construction JUNK to get outof the WAY back yard still.
I ordered a construction dunpster last year and am still waiting for their phone call?,,
It is going to take us a month jsut to get rid of it all. It looks like a landfill LOL..
I swear I am going to get pictures back on here. It seems everytime I need a camera the batteries need charging?
Maybe ont much crafting and more yardwork
Tomorrow I am going to go fill all of the little holes the dog from he{{ dug and overseeding the lawn with hopes it will fill in some of the damage she did over the winter.
I swear thtat dog will eat anything.
Today when I was raking I found do much stuff! She chewed the entire handle off of a little hand rake, she ate all but the buckle of her new collar that was heavy nylon. She chewed up some hot wheels tracks and just really gnawed adn chewed nearly enything not tied down EXCEPT for the toys and stuff I bought for her to chew. She doesnt know what is going on now since she cant get to the other patio . She is really coming along though. We have mastered sit and down. She will immediately fall to the ground when I tell her that. We have down and no bite down but she has a much harder time not jumping on us or not tackling or tripping su from behind.
Now that it is getting nicer I hope to be able to work with her lots more. Maybe this year she will setlle down some and we can all be in the smae room with her. She is a HUGE overgrown puppy,.
More tomorrow, I am off to slumberland in hopes that I can wake up on time in the morning.


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