So.. Some of my favorites,,,

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My kids have all asked me what my favorite movies are.. hmm. Never thought about it but I really dont have an ALL time favorite but a ton of favorites that I could probably watch again.
  1. Notting HIll.. dont ask why and I dont even know.
  2. Juno One of my more recent faves jsut for her quick comebacks.
  3. I do love me some National Lampoon Vacation movies :-) I know cheezy but Christmas Vacation cracks me up
  4. The Jerk with Steve Martin -The lamest but Lubs it.
  5. Shawshank redemption
  6. Steel Magnolias
I could officially fill this page. I can not for the life of me Watch an entire movie anymore without doing somthing in between. My kids hate it. I keep thinking about that load of laundry or the dishes in the dishwasher or whatever.  I Can however watch shows on tv. They have commercials yanknow where you can get something done in between.
I hate to admit but I like to watch the uber cheesy reality stuff.
  1. Jon and Kate plus 8.. Lordy 
  2. Real housewives of ..insert city,or county
  3. Little people bg world
  4. 17 kids and counting... or is it 18 IDK lost count
  5. Wife Swap
  6. Supernanny
Dont get me wrong I do not ALWAYS watch these but If I am watching these are what I watch.. I like me some HGTV too usually househunters and those sell me shows but always before bed the tv gets tuned to George Lopez reruns. This is a very safe channel to wake up to. Some morenings the middle smurf wakes up and turns the tv on and I have serious issues with the Late night HBO and Showtime scheduling if "You know what I mean " Yuk.
Coming soon... Books I like to read or LIKED to read, I havent had a chance to read a book in a while. 


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