Our family is getting fatter by the day. My main concernis my 15 year old. He is over weight severe. He has stated asking me to look up things to where he can lose lots of wieght in 4 weeks etc, I know it bothers him he is a big boy . I am a plump mama,my 10 year old daughter is 90 some pounds and she is concerned so we are taking this weekend to think up an eating style and put it into action after tomorrow. If there were more we could actually do some real cool stuff . Like weekly weigh inns and to the male or female who have lost the most we all send them some small item of your choice.
All you would have to do is take a picture of your weight on the scale and we would go from there.after week 1 we will have a winner adn all involved send this person a small giftieIt will be fun es[ecially for my younger one something to get him involved with something shoot me your ideas how we can make this work So bring on some ideass we are ready to get busy
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