Wow been a while...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It has been a little longer than I thought.
Just been busy busy. C's car has been in the shop since Dec because of a antifreeze link. They finally pulled it in to actually diagnose the problem about 10 days ago and told us it needed some new gaskets. Me thinking it would cost mroe to get her into a different car ok'd the repair. Went to get it just the otehr day and it runs HORRIBLE> I mean it barely starts and will only go about 20 mph and has a horrible noise. I made her leave it there. I think after paying over 700.00 for a repair that it should at least run as well as it did when I dropped it off.. So anyway, I have been having to pick her up from work each evening. I was driving them to school, going in and picking up T at 2:30 and tehn back again to pick up C at 8. Luckily R has been heading into work early enough to take them lately as well as pick T up from school. In the beginning I was spending hours a day in the car and almost 200 miles aday on my car. I am down to only and hour aday now but I need them to get her car fixed.
I ave been so lazy I have done much else besides The regular housework. Uggh. We are trying to potty train now so that is another interesting thing and our once 20 lb puppy is now a 70 lb 5 month old puppy! Yikes. We are seriously working on some training with her.
Had another yucky storm move in and hte kids were released from school early. Was a total mess since T cant ride the bus he was stuck in town til dad could get him on his lunch break and C had to work at 5 and had really nowhere to go so she went to work early. I knew if the buses couldnt make it I definately couldnt.
I am hoping to get a little more done this week and have several projects up my sleeve.
I did get my craft room cleaned out after the Christmas mess! I need to contact the trash people to bring us an extra can as I am trying to squeeze all of this in a weeks worth of a can and it is not fitting!
I bought another Older Bernina today. It had some feet with it and some bobins. It looks like new but they didnt have a pedal for it , the cord is there but no pedal. They had it marked 2.00 for parts but I think it is just because they couldnt test it without a pedal. I am going to try the one from my other BErnina. This one isnt as fancy as the 830 I have but would be great to jsut pull out for some simple stitchin. Even if it doesnt work the cord and feet are worth 2.00!I also bought some little Wilton mini tube cake pans for .50 and get this... We had new windows put in over hte summer, Well theya re a different size as we had them custom made for our house adn the size that fit best. I went to lowes the other day to look at window coverings. We have curtains now but there are times when we need a little more coverage as the sun shining off of the snow just glares in and if you are sitting in the living room you can barely see. I thought about wooden blinds but to have them custom made jsut for the 1 window was more than I wanted to spend since I get bore quickly. I saw some nice woodenflat fold blinds and was really set on buying them. I went to the thrift today and guess what I found.  Hunter Douglas wooden blinds in oak with a 2.00 price tag on them and they are the EXACT size of my window. Crazy! Jus need to go but the brackets but I seen those too at Lowes. Super stoked. Pictures as soon as I get them up. So enough babbling but really have a ton of things I am doing but never finish much!

Sunday eve...

Monday, January 12, 2009

On the way out for the night and hoping to get a good nights rest . I am still driving the 40 miles every morning as hubster is now supposed to be in to work at 6 that is WAY to early for the kids to show up at school.but a pain in my booty...then I have to go back AGAIN to pick them up BUT I dont mind that trip so bad cuz I can stop at the thrift store to shop....I am now looking for a small tv stand for my sons room and some curtains for my dining room. I have sheers there now and hate them because the morning sun hitting thee snow will actually blind you so I am looking for a little more diffuse lighting.
Did not do anything more than lay on my butt this weekend to heal up and read a few books.
My house is in such squalor now it will take me forever to regain it.


Friday, January 9, 2009

     this is my son helping his grandma open her birthday                                           Here is the whole 15year old cuteness of him
        Below is me on the right with eyes closed but not asleep and my daughter who is asleep
                                          taylor below blowing out is 15 candles
                  And wearing his turkey hat that is little sister made for him as a present in school

Our family is getting fatter by the day. My main concernis my 15 year old. He is over weight severe. He has stated asking me to look up things to where he can lose lots of wieght in 4 weeks etc, I know it bothers him he is a big boy . I am a plump mama,my 10 year old daughter is 90 some pounds and she is concerned so we are taking this weekend to think up an eating style and put it into action after tomorrow. If there were more we could actually do some real cool stuff . Like weekly weigh inns and to the male or female who have lost the most  we all send them some small item of your choice.
All you would have to do is take a picture of your weight on the scale and we would go from there.after week 1 we will have a winner adn all involved send this person a small giftieIt will be fun es[ecially for my younger one something to get him involved with something shoot me your ideas how we can make this work  So bring on some ideass we are ready to get busy

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Okay so the holidays are finally over and I am able to BREEEATHE..
Kids went back to school on monday all but the youngest BUT... I have to drive my oldest son since he was involved in some horseplay on the bus and cant ride until February! Grr. SO I have to juggle my 10 year olds bus which comes at 8 and the oldest school start time which I have to leave here at 7 . It is a 40 minute round trip. So I can be bcak to get the 10 yo off to school at 8 and hopefully 2 yo is still sleeping ./ Hubby sometimes can take them in if he is working in that town but like tomorrow he has to be at work at 6 and that is WAY too early for them to go to school. They would be sitting outside for almost an hour.
I will add pictures later but we took out the dim ugly fluorescent  lighing that was over the table adn put a hanging  tavern light fixture... We are going to move it closer to the table but ..LOTS more to do. 
We moved my most favorite table and the kids are using iit as a desk for now til we get our kitchen done and I am NOT shoing the befores until I have it done. It is iccky. cabinets are crap. walls ick, floors storage, no drawers, no countertops. nuttin... 
I redid my washer/dryer area a little but was at a loss for the cabinets . tomorrow look for progress and pictures .I am numb

Gotta get up and drive the kiddos to school at 630 and come back and then go back at 3 to pick up.and I feel Like POO.Tried to lie in bed today but sky wont allow it. He is full of it..
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