I Have aged 20 years as my child wanders out of Gym child care...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, me being the sporty mama that I am actually thought I could burn some fat from this old behind of mine yesterday. We havea fairly new rec center and my 11 year old loves to go to their water area. I on the other hand, would not be caught DEAD or alive in a suit so I thought I would use this opportunity to work out while 11 y.o. played in the water adn the 3 y.o utilized teh paid babysitting.
I went in and paid my fee to get in, then another fee for the babysitting. I am doing good , working up a sweat and at th 1/2 hour mark decided to jsut go peek and make sure the 3 Y.O was doing ok, There were a lot of kids his age but I was concerned about the infants in there and wanted to amek sure he was not too rambunctious. he has never had child care other than family.I peek in and it is very calm and serene. 1 worker rocking a baby the other doing some paperwork.The one doing the paperwork turns around and I smile. She smiles then starts looking around the room, her smile fades as she starts looking behind counters and inside toyboxes. She comes to me frantically" I dont know where he is, I dont know where your son is" . I was astonished at first. This room was not a large room by far and really no way a child could get out of your sight in this room. She says' He was jsut so quiet and then it got really hectic for a minute as there were multiple parents picking up kids and then a little girl vomited, I am so sorry this has never happened before" , Me still in a daze turn and look at the floors of rooms and the multitude of people and take off at a sprint.After searching fora good 10 minutes, I glance over where the rock climbing wall is anad there is a tube that runs from the top floor of the building to the ground floor. I see lots of tall people, knees and legs and then a short set of legs parts through. I run to him and look him over, unsure of how long he has been on his own in this place and start asking questions. Luckily he was unhurt and aside from a few rides on the elevator and who knows what else he was just fine.I on the other hand need some valium and a stiff drink. After the fact I found out this is the same place that no more than 6 months ago a 7 year old was assaulted in the mens restrooms by another man and chills ran down my spine. I guess this was my sign from the man above that I am not meant to work out or maybe that I need to be aware more or something but believe me not, I will never leave my child in the care of anyone but family again. I am seriously considering opting our of School LOL. If I live long enough to make that decision.
When I found out I was pregnant at 39 with this guy, I did not think ahead to all of those moments that take your breath away , Literally , and Now wonder if My heart will hold out for the next 16 years! I havent even decided what sort of action to take today. I do know that something needs to be said/done but I am trying to stay level-headed. This facility is run by the county and the employees are paid employees. They have a list of things you need to fill out and agree to before dropping your child off. The woman in charge was very much shaken but, I still wonder how many times this has really happened.

I am re-thinking this whole over 40 toddler parenting and I think I want a little time to think this over

My Little re-do Makeover from the thrift store Metamorphisis Monday

Friday, September 11, 2009

Finally remembered to post a Metamorphisis Monday.. Not a Big one but Hey it is something!Go check out all of the others at http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com

Isnt she a beaut!?

I bought this little stool/chair at the thrift store a few days ago but I wasnt feeling the orangey yellow faded out set and its bright chrome that will not go with anything I have.
SO....This little Lovely got a quickie makeover.

All I had to do was bend back some prongs (4) On the bottom and use a screwdriver to remove the top seat.

I then lightly sanded it of all dirt and yuckies. I took it to the yard and gave all of the chrome a coat of Black rustoleum. I had some cool fabric I wanted to use, A Black with Gold , perfect for the Job! Made a template around the seat, and cut the fabric. I just left the old orange covering on and went right over it. It was clean and was really attached very well.

I sprayed the edges of fabric and seat where I wanted the fabric to attach with Spray adhesive but I any thick like glue would work I am sure. Just more holding as there are no areas that you can staple.
Waited for it to dry .... Voila'.. Instant new stool/chair. Since I am only 5'3 I need a stool everywhere but HATE HATE dragging little stepstools around, this I can pull over with my foot, climb up, down and have a somewhat comfy seat for peeling potatoes :-) Easy peasy Lemon squeezy.

Now I jsut need new rubber caps to go on the legs, It was missing 2 when I bought it.

I hope to be doing more, We are remodeling our kitchen and will have it done witin the MONTH!

Places in the Heart and MOVIE night (day)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Since we are all healing this weekend from either one thing or another I chose today for Movie night . Movie night spanned the whole day.
We set up camp in a darkened room with stacks of movies and DVD's. We of course had to start with Cars. My 3 year old could watch this movie over and over again.
Then onto Wall-e which held his attention a little less but , I didnt mind so much.
Then we had to watch cars again.
Next from one of my picks was fireproof. Kind of cheesy acting but the storyline was good and held my attention.I had been meaning to watch this all the way through for a while and while we had to pause it and rewind a few times for food breaks I finally finished it. Then we watched camp Rock for the 546,677 th time it appeased my daughter.
We ended with Places in the Heart. I had seen this before years and years ago. It is the story of a widow who tries to run a farm and raise 2 young children. It has the obligatory Bank man who you hate throughout the movie . Moses or MOZE, played by Danny Glover is her savior and helps her through many trials. Although the "N" word is still offensive to me when I hear it , it is suitable for older kids who know better than to repeat the forbidden words.
There are 2 down now and 3 to go but I do think my movie watching is finally at it end.

Giveaway 500.00 walmart giftcard

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Go check it out
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