Here is an update of the happenings of the last few weeks.
A few weeks ago me and the kids traveled about 2 .5 hours away to provo to just chill out and shop eat bad food, kind of an early mini spring break. We stayed near some restaurants I try not to even look at or I get fat and laid up in the motel after dark swimming and watching redbox movies.
The day we were to leave it was supposed to be nice but, I seent he dark clouds rolling in and decided to cut our trip short as we have quite a drive throught he mountains to home and it is NOT good when it is storming.We got about a 1/2 hour to heber with just some sprinkles then WHAMMO it hit us like a brick wall.
I mean snow so deep and fast I couldnt wipe fast enough and slow,1 lane traffic and of course somehow I was in front.UGHH through Daniels canyon with my cars traction contol holding me down to about 20 mph and on a pretty good incline. I kept telling the kids to look for a pull off and go back to heber. We could not see one pull off anywhere that we could pull into it was all snowed under,So I white knuckled it to the top and the heavens had opened up and my savior stood ahead through the blizzard,Daniels Canyon lodge,
we sat there in there parking lot for a few before we realized we we nit getting out of this mess tonight and if we didnt hurry we would be sleeping in the van. So, Me in my FLIP FLOPS an d a windbreaker braved it to the doors and got a us a room,..By that time it could have been a tent just somewhere to be warm and safe for the night,They give us a room (I found later they could have given me a lower if I would have called ahead by about 60 bucks,
We drag to the room and just want to get home, The kids all have school and I have another baby at home and one loose in the world at home,
We walked into this wonderful calming room that I dont think I am ever going to leave,, My kids wer like I will live here with you momma,
It was a beautiful lodge style room. All log beds with feather comfortors, old west decor, Really neat.The hugest tub I have ever seen LOL<> I could have satyed there. They have pool and spa and right outside that have snowmobiling, a big general store where you can pick up what you forgot and a restaurant where you can eat a little.
Gane room downstairs and a full list of dvds to rent for 1 dollar, I squealed when I found out we had a little private sitting porch or balcony. WHoosh I open the door and whoowee,,,