Ok so very uneventful day. The usual up at 5 am, first batch of kids on the bus at 7 then the next run. She was gone at 8 am by then The youngest was up... A
FTER he said " My dipoo cwooked" uhhhh.. that is never good news especially in bed, MY BED! He sleeps on about 4 layers of blankets and I had changed him at 5 when I woke up. By 7 am he had drenched through his diaper and about 3 layers of blankets. UGHHH. We are working on potty training now but not rushing it. He is 2 1/2. So at 7 :30 I was stripping my bed and washing blankets.

Had to run to town which is a 25 minute drive so he and I got going. After hitting the local thrift store ( he LOVES the thrift) then onto the big box store for dog food, milk, the usual. We were on our way back hom.
Stopped and picked up my 17 year old as she hates riding the bus. Funny thing is they jsut changed buses and it made it home before we did? But the new bus gives them 25 extra minutes in the morn and 30 in the afternoon so they are gaining almost an hour . YIPPEE i can give them more chores.
Made an uneventful dinner. A chili mac as I was in a hurry and butternut squash that I had to BUY>>>> Our garden grew some wonderful hubbards but the butternut just were not doing well.
I cannot believe I had to pay 4 dollars for a squash. didnt realize till I had it already in the oven.
I ahve about a bushel of tomatoes that narrowly missed the frost . I ahve been leaving as many on the vine as possible in hope that they will ripen a little more. It was 36 when I woke this morning so the days are numbered for the others. The collards and other greens have had a sudden surge of some nasty little wormy things so , I am done with those. Yuk. We dont treat anything so we feed lots of bugs.
Our new Puppy ( which by the way is larger than my 7 year old shih tzu) is a terror and has decided my lawn,finally established last summer, Was the perfect place to practice her diggin skills. So I was washing patios and filling a few holes . This is a big dog mind you. We havent had a large dog for years and then they were working dogs and they didnt fool around much. She is a Bernese mountain dog and at 8 weeks is 25 lbs Holy toledo.... Her picture above was at 5 weeks!
I found some great Southern living yearbooks at the thrift today and cannot wait to try some out. I hope this week slows down so I can get into some recipes I have wanted to try.
Getting my Big Old kidmobile detailed tomorrow so maybe I will take that time to whip something up.
Sweet dreams!