I really was working jsut working TOO much.
I drug the old trunk in as I really want it to store some blankets and pillows for visitors. It is almost done. I am waiting for glue and paint to dry andw ill hopefully be done tomorrow.It had some damage at the bottom and I really wanted to fix it. I got some balso wood and patched over the bad spot. Then Spray painted it a dark reddish brown.
I did get my arrangement sealed and hung it but not sure I love it too much. I will photo tomorrow when I have some natural light.
The table I finished, I painted it India ink and now need to distress it . My son loves it and fits in perfect with the little milking chair I have had for years adn years.
Passing that by..
the oldest is at a midnight screening for Twilight the movie. Alhtough I have not read them I must say these books got her interested in reading again as she was as total non reader at a point. she loved the books and could not wait for the movie. She came straight home from school and went to sleep as she still has to attend school tomorrow. I imagine 2 am she will come rolling in. Not something I normally allow but she is an excellent student and does not ask for much so I decided to let her go ahead and go with a group of girls.
More to come tomorrow as I need years of beauty rest :-)