Ok So I missed whatcha workin on Wednesday

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I really was working jsut working TOO much.

I drug the old trunk in as I really want it to store some blankets and pillows for visitors. It is almost done. I am waiting for glue and paint to dry andw ill hopefully be done tomorrow.It had some damage at the bottom and I really wanted to fix it. I got some balso wood and patched over the bad spot. Then Spray painted it a dark reddish brown.

I did get my arrangement sealed and hung it but not sure I love it too much. I will photo tomorrow when I have some natural light.

The table I finished, I painted it India ink and now need to distress it . My son loves it and fits in perfect with the little milking chair I have had for years adn years.

Passing that by..

the oldest is at a midnight screening for Twilight the movie. Alhtough I have not read them I must say these books got her interested in reading again as she was as total non reader at a point. she loved the books and could not wait for the movie. She came straight home from school and went to sleep as she still has to attend school tomorrow. I imagine 2 am she will come rolling in. Not something I normally allow but she is an excellent student and does not ask for much so I decided to let her go ahead and go with a group of girls.

More to come tomorrow as I need years of beauty rest :-)

OMG I forgot this!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Or maybe I was blocking it out.
My daughter was getting a ride from school with one of her friends . We live about 20 minutes from school and the road is a very windy hilly and rural road.
I was minding my business doing some much needed grocery shopping and she called to tell me they had run off a cliff.
I thought she was joking and didnt believe her f or a good 2 minutes. Then I was sure she was exaggerating. I headed home and when I seen where they had run off I nearly threw up!
I didnt have my camera but will get pictures the next time I go over. They had swerved to miss a deer, overcorrected and crossed the other lane of traffic, went in to a spin nearly missing the guardrail and went down a 3o foot ( at least) embankment backwards. Luckily neither was hurt, car was a little bent up but they were both ok. I really know there must have been an angel on their shoulder today as they really got lucky!
3 more drivers to go uggh. does it ever get better ?

Wow So long since posting

I never meant to take this long between posts!
It has been crazy wild.
My same day surgery for my dad turned into a weeklong stay in SLC so in a sense I had a vacation from the kids but ended up being gone WAYYYY too long. His surgery was fine and turned out NOT to be cancerous.
Also had to help my mother with a 2 day Craft Fair that she does yearly it was a huge success for her and she sold out of nearly everything she took.
I ahve been filling candle orders fast and furious . Seems everyone NEEDS a pumpkin spice candle this week LOL.
My house is a curious blend or Harvest, country home and pumpkin crunch.
Gonna work on some things finally as My parents have the youngest for 2 days.
On my to do list ( pictures coming tomorrow)
I have this huge wicker trunk that needs some repairs and will try my best at that, and then I am going to paint it a dk red with some antiquing so I can store the hundreds of blakets they drag around lately.
A solid wood corner shelf I picked up at the thrift for 2.50 it is quite large..to either go in my craft room or my bedroom going to paint and distress it
I bought a 70's era solid wood end table I am paining white then black and then distressing it as well. Not sure where it is going but it is going somewhere
Then onto my laundry area. It is basically a spot in the hallway but I want to do something with the cabinets and walls to cover the ugly paneling.
I need to seal this HUGE dried flower arrangement I bought at the thrift for 2.50. It has some nice colors and ahte how it sheds so I am going to seal and bump it up a little. I am hesitant to hang it as I am going to be painting the living room SOON I want to go from winter white to a nice brown taupe color. I also need to get some new window treatments.
Ughh that is a huge list for jsut 2 days.

In the meantime Our Little BIG puppy is teething and spends a lot of the nicer daylight hours outside as she gets super hot. Well... She has decided she wants to start chewing on the footbaord to the new redwood stairs hubby just built. UGHH I put some bitter apple on them but she seems to get around it. Someone mentioned tabasco so I may try that next. I did buy her a HUGE bone today to gnaw on and I havent heard the omnious gnawing.
Hub is going to KILL me when he sees the step. It is just about a 1/4 inch of one inside corner but he is not gonna be happy.
Kids are all recuperating from the stomach flu and we will be glad to be back on point.
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